PER01 - Influencing Skills by "Sticky" Story Telling

Course Introduction

In the realm of business, the ability to tell stories has become increasingly important, especially in meetings, negotiations, sales, and policy advocacy. A good story can effectively persuade, garner support, and even achieve your desired objectives from your audience.

However, as the saying goes, "Tell a good story, and it's a story; tell a bad one, and it's an accident..." Many people perceive storytelling as forced and deliberate. Yet, with the flexible application of the "stickiness" techniques of storytelling, even a few casual words can captivate others. This event will take a fun and relaxed approach to explain storytelling techniques and construction, allowing participants to grasp the essentials and practical applications, thereby enhancing their persuasiveness and influence.

Course Highlights

  • Unleashing the maximum power of storytelling: Persuading others and leaving a lasting impression
  • Constructing a "good" story: The stickiness principle
  • The psychology of storytelling: Creating curiosity about your story
  • Drawing others in through storytelling, guiding them into your narrative
  • The art of "metaphorical implication," leaving tails in your stories
  • The 6 golden principles to make your stories persuasive
  • Crafting a storytelling style that is uniquely yours

Course Enquiry

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