MIN01 - Creative Thinking & Breakthrough

Course Introduction

In both our daily lives and professional spheres, we often find ourselves constrained by habitual thinking patterns, hindering our ability to unleash creativity. However, various methods exist to foster innovative thinking, such as:

1.Disney Strategy: Stimulates groups and guides participants to explore problems from different roles. When team members assume different roles, they generate relevant and effective questions from various perspectives.

2.Mandala Thinking: The simplest and most common use of the nine-grid method, organizing information in the mind into easily digestible outcomes.

This course will employ diverse methods for fostering innovative thinking, coupled with engaging games, to help us break free from mental constraints and introduce innovative thinking patterns into our work and daily lives.

Course Highlights

  • Key elements and tricks for breakthrough thinking
  • How to unleash unlimited creativity? Various tools for breaking thinking barriers, such as Fishbone Diagram, Improved 5-Why Technique, Mandala Thinking, and Disney Strategy
  • How to inspire innovative thinking? How to generate optimal ideas under limited conditions?
  • How to implement and develop multidimensional creative thinking
  • Application exercises: Unleashing unlimited creativity in the workplace

Course Enquiry

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