PER02 - Find your “Time Stone” Back

Course Introduction

"When I arrive at the office, I need to check emails, attend meetings, rush to submit reports, and still find there's not enough time!"

The feeling of not having enough time is a common issue for many employees, especially for supervisors and leaders. Some people can handle a lot of work in a short amount of time and still clock out on time. Others work tirelessly but never seem to finish, ending up working late every night. Have you ever asked yourself these three questions?

  1. Do you know how many minutes of your life you have left?
  2. Where did your time go today?
  3. What goals do you want to achieve in the next three years?
  4. How do your current activities align with your personal goals?

Effective time management is not just about planning and cramming as much work as possible into a limited schedule. Instead, it's about thoroughly reviewing and adjusting your daily habits and methods to reduce wasted time. Identify your "time thieves" and create a to-do list. By using management tools and techniques to review and refine our daily habits and methods, achieving twice the efficiency with half the effort is not a dream. This course will guide you through the concepts, tools, and high-efficiency time management techniques, helping you establish practical methods for modern time management and greatly enhancing your time utilization efficiency.

Course Highlights

  • Reflective and fun games to review and manage your perception of time
  • Identifying unconscious "habits": Discovering your "time thieves"
  • Practical applications of time management: Tools and useful tips
  • Tools to prioritize tasks based on urgency and importance
  • Reinforcing time management habits (short-term and long-term)
  • Developing your unique time management style
  • Balancing time across various roles and areas of life
  • Testing colleagues' time management concepts and execution under challenges


Course Enquiry

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