Course Introduction

When you think of LEGO®, most people immediately think of toys. But what if I told you that LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® (LSP) is a widely-used training tool across Europe and America that enhances corporate, team, and individual thinking, as well as communication and problem-solving? Would that change your perspective?

LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® (commonly abbreviated as LSP) is a facilitation methodology used in meetings and workshops to foster discussion, idea generation, and problem-solving. Using LEGO bricks as the primary tool, LSP helps solve organizational, team, and individual issues, effectively building consensus and formulating strategies.

Derived from extensive research in business, organizational development, psychology, and adult learning, LSP is thoroughly detailed in the book “Building a Better Business.” By integrating play, organizational development, systems thinking, and strategy formulation, LSP enhances team cohesion and personal communication skills, ultimately driving business growth. Why use LEGO bricks? The human brain is central to human development, and connecting "hands" with the brain is crucial. Many studies have shown that hand and brain nerves are strongly connected, stimulating maximum brain power through this link.

LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® emphasizes "hands-on, minds-on" thinking. Clinical studies have proven that this approach is more effective than simple "thinking" alone, helping participants delve deeper into imagination and communication. For businesses, it enhances team observation skills and commitment to goals, fostering team spirit. Many global organizations, from top executives to front-line procurement, product, service, sales, and HR teams, use LSP to enhance operational efficiency, build team consensus, develop strategies, and explore future possibilities.

Course Highlights

  • Emphasize "hands-on, minds-on" thinking: Use LEGO® to express colleagues' voices and stories.
  • Stimulate creative thinking to help work teams solve problems.
  • Aid in team building and growth, fostering unity and driving organizational improvement.
  • Release creative ideas, helping work teams turn concepts into reality.
  • Enhance participants' leadership abilities, enabling them to continuously lead change.
  • Facilitate communication to find the best solutions to common problems.


Course Enquiry

Why Mirror Mind

Mirror Mind New Generation Academy uses coaching skills and training to help businesses and communities integrate across generations and enhance the competitiveness of local businesses and talents.

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