TMB04 - VR Team Challenge: Fast Food MVP

Event Introduction

"Fast Food MVP" is a multiplayer cooperative VR game where participants play as chefs and operate a fast-food restaurant together. Based on customer orders, participants prepare food within a limited time and deliver it as quickly as possible.

However, in the midst of it all... why are burgers flying everywhere? Knives flying around? From fetching ingredients, chopping, heating, plating, to delivering orders, the actual gameplay often leaves participants in a frenzy...

Event Highlights

  • Let the team experience the stages of Forming, Storming, Norming, and Performing.
  • Enable participants to experience the importance of time management and project management.
  • Challenge team roles and how to adapt and complement each other in response to changes, demonstrating true team spirit.
  • Reflect on the proactiveness among colleagues and how to leverage the synergistic effect of "1+1=10".
  • Empower each person to become a leader (proactiveness and positive mindset) and collaborate spontaneously.


Course Enquiry

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