Event Introduction
The game revolves around a mysterious robbery case, where all participants are trapped and tied to a timed bomb. Within a limited time frame, the team must calmly solve various puzzles, showcasing analytical skills and teamwork to complete diverse levels and defuse the timed bomb. Suitable for participants of all backgrounds to take on the challenge!
In this meticulously crafted puzzle-solving story, the leadership of the team leader is crucial, as is the teamwork and coordination within the team. "Logical thinking, mutual assistance, communication, observation" are the highlights of the "Bomb Threat" mission. Unity is strength! Besides showcasing individual capabilities, one also needs the assistance and cooperation of teammates, engaging in information consensus to overcome challenges! Through the thrilling atmosphere, participants are tested and inspired to brainstorm together, rapidly initiating seamless communication and collaboration within the team.
Event Highlights
Mirror Mind New Generation Academy uses coaching skills and training to help businesses and communities integrate across generations and enhance the competitiveness of local businesses and talents.
A Large Number of Real Customer Cases
Extensive Industry Training Experience
Provide Training For Different Industries