TMB08 - Team Building by Microfilm Production


Microfilm production has always been a popular inquiry among corporate clients. For instance, companies can create microfilms for their anniversaries, reflecting on the past and looking forward to the future. The production process also enhances team collaboration among colleagues!

The term "microfilm" does not merely refer to being short or miniature but carries the connotation of intricacy and subtlety. As an offshoot of internet development, "micro" also implies digitalization and mobile accessibility. In recent years, "microfilm" has become a common term, and this emerging new media form is rapidly expanding its influence.

Microfilm production emphasizes team roles, including directing, filming, lighting, sound recording, and post-production. By integrating the unique experience of microfilm production into team building, participants deeply understand teamwork and integration. From the overarching direction and theme to the motivation behind a half-second shot, the process highlights the elements of collaboration and communication within the production team.

Key Activities

  • Participants deeply experience the microfilm production process, related equipment, and basic management skills.
  • Colleagues recognize the importance of division of labor and cooperation.
  • Enhances participants' empathy and ability to view issues from other members' perspectives.
  • Improves leadership skills, enabling participants to lead continuous change.
  • Promotes communication, helping find the best solutions to common problems.
  • Aids in team building and growth, uniting everyone and injecting improvement motivation into the organization.
  • Client organizations can integrate company philosophy/core values into the filming theme, achieving synergy between employees and the enterprise.

Activity Details

  • Introduction to basic concepts and background of microfilm.
  • Workshop led by a director on "Team Microfilm Production."
  • Team discussions on filming themes and directions, along with introductions to each production role.
  • Guided group scriptwriting, filming, and editing sessions.
  • Team division for production (e.g., groups of about 8-12 people).
  • Provision and familiarization with all equipment, software, and hardware.
  • Sharing of microfilm production results.
  • Emphasis on the importance of teamwork and division of labor in the production process.

Introduction to the Activity: Microfilm production activities have always been popular among corporate clients. Take the company's annual anniversary as an example. Besides producing videos to commemorate specific themes (e.g., reviewing the past and envisioning the future), it also allows colleagues to deepen their teamwork through the production process. The "micro" in "microfilm" doesn't necessarily imply brevity or smallness but rather conveys the idea of subtlety and discernment. As a derivative of internet development, the term "micro" also carries digital and mobile push meanings. In recent years, "microfilms" have gradually entered the public's view and become a topic of conversation. This emerging new media expression form, "microfilm," is rapidly expanding its influence. Due to the emphasis on team division of labor in microfilm production, including directing, shooting, lighting, sound recording, and post-production, our agency innovatively integrates the unique experience of microfilm production into team building, allowing participants to deeply feel the division and integration within the team. From the overall direction and theme to the motivation behind each half-second shot, various elements vividly demonstrate the cooperation and communication atmosphere among production teams.

Key Points of the Activity:

  • Participants will deeply experience the production process of microfilms, relevant equipment, and basic management skills.
  • Raise awareness of the importance of division of labor and cooperation among colleagues.
  • Increase colleagues' awareness of empathy for other members and their ability to see things from others' perspectives.
  • Enhance participants' leadership abilities to continually lead change.
  • Promote communication to find the best solutions to common problems.
  • Facilitate team building and growth, fostering unity among all parties and injecting improvement dynamics into the organization.
  • Client organizations may consider integrating company concepts/core values into filming themes to achieve mutual integration between employees and the enterprise.

Activity Contents:

  • Introduction to the basic concepts and background of microfilms.
  • Director-led "Team Microfilm Production" workshop.
  • Team discussion on filming themes and directions, and an overview of each production role.
  • Mentor-led group script creation, shooting, and editing.
  • Division of production teams (e.g., approximately 8-12 people per group).
  • Provision and familiarization with all equipment and hardware/software setups.
  • Sharing of the results of microfilm production.
  • Emphasis on the importance of division of labor and cooperation within production teams.

Course Enquiry

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