MIN02 - Practical Skills in Positive Mindset

Course Introduction:

"Positive mindset? I know, but it feels too abstract! Daily challenges at work and in life make it hard to stay positive!"

In our lives, mindset plays a crucial role. We often see people around us unintentionally develop negative attitudes, and even we ourselves might be influenced by certain events without realizing it. However, many successful people turn setbacks into positive driving forces and maintain a positive mindset consistently. What traits do these successful individuals possess that foster a positive outlook? How can we stay positive and achieve the best results at work?

We will provide mindset training in a practical and grounded manner. Understanding that mindset is not an abstract concept but something tangible that can be influenced by practical tools. Recognizing that a positive mindset is key to self-improvement, this workshop will approach the topic from the perspective of positive psychology, using relatable case studies to reveal the key factors that shape mindset and practical techniques for maintaining a positive outlook.

Course Highlights:

  • Recognize your own and others' psychological patterns and apply psychological techniques.
  • The five factors that shape mindset.
  • The three main functions of managing mindset.
  • "The Game of 5" - discovering the insights behind your mindset.
  • Playing an internal game with your brain: analyzing the negative factors within.
  • Deconstructing the filters of positive and negative mindsets one by one and applying them to work and life.

Course Enquiry

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