TMB09 - The War of Water Tank Car

Activity Introduction

In the "Secret Land," a series of remote-controlled water tank battles are sparked by the fight for resources...

This activity revolves around remote-controlled water tanks, where employees can form teams to operate these tanks, integrating shooting and combat games into the mix. Using water tanks as ammunition adds an element of fun and safety to the event.

The activity can be conducted in both outdoor and indoor venues. Depending on the venue size and environment, the challenge level can be adjusted. The game begins with employees being divided into groups, followed by training and trial sessions to familiarize themselves with the operation and techniques of the remote-controlled water tanks. This helps participants understand the game rules and enhances their competitive skills for the actual competition. Multiple rounds of shooting battles (e.g., resource exploration battles, team offense and defense battles, etc.) are then held, with the winning team determined by a points system.

Who will succeed in becoming the king of the "Secret Land" and be crowned the champion of the "Remote-Controlled Water Tank"?

Activity Highlights

  • Through this activity, employees can experience the fun of new technological games, stimulating organizational strategies.
  • Learn to see things from others' perspectives (including teammates and opponents), building empathy and a sense of cooperation.
  • Understand personal strengths and areas for improvement, and find directions for growth and progress.
  • Test the team's ability to communicate and adapt under tight time constraints.
  • Establish team goals and increase consensus among team members.
  • Use the remote-controlled tank competition to relieve employee stress and promote relaxation.

Course Enquiry

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