PER08 - International Business Etiquette Course

Course Introduction

In the era of globalization, international business relations have become closer than ever before. Whether you are traveling abroad, attending international conferences, or dealing with cross-border business, good international business etiquette can help you excel in various situations. It not only concerns your personal reputation but also directly affects the success or failure of business endeavors.

This course helps participants gain in-depth understanding of international business culture and master basic principles of business etiquette to enhance cross-cultural communication skills. Participants will learn and master the etiquette and skills required for successful interactions in the international business environment. Whether you are a professional in an international corporation or a newcomer to the field of international business, this course will provide you with practical and important knowledge.

Course Content

  • Understanding the standards and definitions of international etiquette and illustrating how etiquette can add value to a company or organization.
  • Establishing the 3C rule to create a good impression.
  • Learning the 3 steps to confidently shake hands with others in business activities.
  • Listing the 4 levels of polite conversation with clients.
  • Understanding the precautions when using telephones, voicemails, and mobile phones.
  • Distinguishing and effectively using the content of formal and informal letters (e.g., thank-you letters).
  • Understanding professional image and attire, differentiating between formal attire, semi-formal attire, black tie, and white tie.

Workshop Format The course is delivered in a relaxed manner, featuring interesting examples and shared experiences, complemented by interactive games, practice demonstrations, and group discussions.

Course Enquiry

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