TMB10 - Live Action Role Playing Game

Activity Introduction

In the digital age, people often communicate using emails, instant messages, and social media, which may lack tone and emotion, leading to misunderstandings. Additionally, many individuals focus more on their own speech during communication, neglecting the importance of listening to others, which results in inadequate understanding of information and increased misunderstandings. However, these communication issues often arise, affecting team communication and work efficiency.

Live Action Role Playing Game is a team-building game that has gained popularity in recent years among corporations. The gameplay is led by a host and requires participants to play different roles. Each participant is given a script with different content, and they collaboratively piece together a complete story. Participants must assume different roles, act out their characters, deduce, and solve puzzles based on the plot and the roles assigned, ultimately unraveling the mystery. This game typically requires cooperation, communication, and logical thinking among participants, helping to foster teamwork, logical thinking, and problem-solving skills. It is an extremely challenging and enjoyable activity.

Activity Highlights

  • Participants need to share unique information about the roles they play, promoting teamwork.
  • Participants need to listen to others' information and perspectives to learn effective listening and communication.
  • Live Action Role Playing Game often features complex plots and puzzles, which can enhance participants' logical thinking and problem-solving abilities.
  • Participants need to trust each other to solve the puzzles, helping to build rapport and trust within the team.
  • Successfully unraveling the Live Action Role Playing Game can boost participants' confidence and motivate team morale.

Course Enquiry

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