TMT01 - Target Management by KPI/OKR

Course Introduction

With the changing market environment and increasing talent competition, it is essential for human resources to establish an efficient performance management mechanism to guide the long-term development of enterprises.

Both KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) and OKRs (Objectives and Key Results) can drive various performance outcomes. Particularly, OKRs can be integrated into the performance systems of teams and departments based on the unique culture and needs of the enterprise, aiding in the development of both departments and employees.

Simultaneously, effective management skills are crucial when implementing performance tools. Managers can use soft skills in performance management, such as coaching questions and facilitation techniques, to collaboratively set OKR goals with the team. This not only enhances employees' motivation but also consolidates their growth and positively shapes the future objectives of the department.

On the contrary, if the performance system implemented by managers is ineffective, it can impact employees' job satisfaction and may lead to continuous talent loss in the department. This workshop will explore the OKR performance management mechanism and its applications through practical cases, combining practical soft skills to assist managers in effective team management, maximizing departmental performance.

Course Highlights

  • KPI and OKR Tools Knowledge: Introduction to the basic concepts of performance management tools
  • Functions of Performance Management: Understanding the role of performance management
  • Differences between KPI and OKR: How to integrate and apply both
  • Setting Quantifiable Goals: How to apply quantifiable goals, key results, and performance indicators to departmental objectives
  • Strategies for Implementing Performance Management: Key strategies and considerations for implementation
  • Exploring Performance Indicators: Understanding relevant areas measured by performance indicators
  • Practical Cases of Major Performance Indicators in Various Industries: Real-world examples from different industries


Course Enquiry

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