MGC02 - Multi–Generational Communication by Values

Course Introduction:

In the face of rapid changes brought about by the modern era, traditional paternalistic management styles have become outdated. This is especially true with the entry of the new generation (New-Gen) into the workforce, as they bring a different set of values. How can we quickly and effectively understand the values of the Baby Boomers, Gen-X, Gen-Y, and Gen-Z through communication? How can we leverage the unique characteristics and strengths of each generation to build a cross-generational team that maximizes talent competitiveness?

Course Highlights:

  • Understanding the unique characteristics and strengths of each generation (Baby Boomers, Gen-X, Gen-Y, Gen-Z).
  • Using tools (value cards) to understand individual values.
  • Applying cross-generational values for effective and appropriate management.
  • Practical demonstrations on how to interact with both the new generation and experienced seniors.
  • Applying work values in various areas such as recruitment, team building, and supervisory management.

Course Enquiry

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