LEI06 - Turkish Mosaic Lamp Workshop

Activity Introduction

The "Turkish mosaic lamp" is a type of lampshade made from collaged glass fragments, originating from Turkey and considered one of the representatives of local culture. The production process of these lamps requires manual craftsmanship, with glass fragments meticulously collaged. Therefore, in ancient times, these lamps were highly prized. The "Turkish mosaic lamp" is an excellent theme for employee wellness activities, allowing employees to relax while unleashing their creativity and teamwork spirit. The main focus of the activity is for employees to engage in hands-on creation centered around Turkish mosaic lamps, and they can even take their exquisite creations home.

Activity Highlights

  • Through lampshade creation, understand one's preferences for different materials, colors, and textures, further recognizing personal traits.
  • Unleash creativity by using various glass fragments for collage, creating unique lampshades.
  • Challenges encountered during the collage process test employees' adaptability to various factors affecting lampshade design.
  • By appreciating others' work, employees can understand their feelings and thoughts, fostering empathy.
  • Explore Turkish culture, enhancing employees' knowledge and perspectives on life.

The activity can be flexibly designed to meet organizational needs (e.g., Lunch & Learn sessions, employee leisure activities, interest classes, teacher development days). Feel free to inquire for more information.

Course Enquiry

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