MGC03 - "When DiSC Meets the New Generation"

Course Introduction

Collaboration among multigenerational teams has become increasingly common in modern workplaces. However, the differences and challenges between different generations cannot be ignored. There may be communication misunderstandings or generation gaps between the new generation (e.g., Gen Y/Z) and other generations, leading to inconsistent work styles and exacerbating friction in collaboration. This could result in reduced team efficiency, cooperation difficulties, and an inharmonious team atmosphere.

This course will utilize the perspective of DiSC personality analysis to help multigenerational teams overcome generation gaps and communication issues, promoting integration and collaboration among different generations. By understanding the true meaning of the new generation and generation gaps, as well as being aware of our natural reactions when encountering intergenerational communication issues, participants can identify the reasons for conflicts with the new generation. Applying "DiSC" in workplace management and interpersonal relationships can help participants understand the personality traits of team members, thereby improving collaboration with the new generation, reducing friction, and bringing more synergy to the entire team, enhancing overall work efficiency and satisfaction.

Course Content

  • Understand the communication issues of the new generation and different generations.
  • "LIKES Framework" - Receiving Stage.
  • Understand facts, the other party's emotions, and their values through listening.
  • "Yes, and..." activity: Inspire the idea of team cooperation.
  • "DiSC" and its application: Understand the differences between different generations.
  • Understand the style distribution map among participants to know the strengths, blind spots, and causes of conflicts of different styles.
  • "LIKES Framework" - Response Stage.
  • How to appropriately empower in team collaboration.
  • Case analysis: Resolve conflicts and pressures, and increase motivation and sense of responsibility.
  • Learn to timely appreciate and give feedback to encourage new generation employees.
  • Provide on-the-spot demonstrations: How to find common values across generations to promote group cooperation.

Workshop Format The course is delivered in a relaxed manner, featuring interesting examples and shared experiences, complemented by interactive games, practice demonstrations, and group discussions.


Course Enquiry

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