COM01 - Be a Communication “Pro”

Course Introduction

"Why don't they understand what I'm saying?"

"Why don't they want to listen to me?"

Effective communication is crucial not only for relationships between colleagues and departments but also for the overall collaboration within and outside the organization. Being able to communicate effectively and build strong relationships with colleagues is a vital prerequisite for individual and organizational success.

By understanding each colleague's daily communication patterns—how we learn, how we are persuaded, our communication styles, and how we make decisions—this course uses interactive and accessible teaching methods to provide learners with various communication skills. This approach enhances personal communication influence and fosters a harmonious communication atmosphere, enabling participants to understand others' communication styles and become adept communicators.

Course Highlights

  • Understanding the significance of workplace communication through interactive games
  • Psychological tests for effective workplace communication patterns
  • Identifying your common communication styles
  • Mastering "communication flexibility" through efficient methods
  • Designing effective response strategies by understanding others' communication habits
  • Applying communication models effectively in practical work scenarios

Course Enquiry

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