WEL01 - The Journey from Body Mind to Potential

Activity Introduction: In both work and life, everyone has various potential areas - be it intellectual, skill-based, or unexplored potential. However, the hectic pace of life often leaves us with little opportunity for self-exploration and self-communication. This workshop encourages self-reflection from a mind, body, and spirit perspective. Participants will gain a deeper understanding of their relationships across different aspects of life (such as work, social interactions, emotions, family, and health), ultimately creating more positive possibilities and achieving their desired goals.

Activity Highlights:

  • Awakening work potential in four golden areas.
  • Identifying hidden factors that hinder team and individual success.
  • Quickly identifying team members' work styles.
  • Mind and body exploration activities to uncover hidden factors affecting your success.
  • Understanding your relationship with money and its energy.

Course Enquiry

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